84-year-old Navy veteran Roy Taylor only started playing tennis ten years ago, but you wouldn’t know that from the way he acts on the court. The Texas-born New York transplant first picked up a racquet when he and his wife moved to Boca after retiring from their clothing business. Despite his relative lack of experience, Taylor has won two local 55-and-over tournaments in the last four years. His 6-foot-4 frame, sunglasses, and ponytail make him a formidable figure on the court, and Taylor’s coach says his natural inquisitiveness gives him an edge over younger opponents.
Roy is just one of the many people in Palm Beach County living life to the fullest and showing that “age ain’t nothin’ but a number.” He says many people think 84 is very old to be playing tennis, but he doesn’t understand why anyone would think that. Roy still plays up to 5 days a week, and would play all 7 if his knees would let him. It’s easy to think in America’s youth-obsessed culture that people with a few more decades under their belt just sit around and watch the time go by, but Roy and countless other seniors show that living life to the fullest doesn’t have to stop at 60.
Read the full article here: Boca Tennis Champ, 84, Far from Hanging Up His Racquet