The College of Charleston has an exceptionally beautiful campus, but it doesn't get that way by itself. Marlene Williams is officially a crew leader of the college's campus grounds department, but unofficially, she's an artist who paints with plants.
Hanging baskets filled with petunias, pots overflowing with ivy and Million Bells, and huge planters featuring dwarf palmettos and snapdragons litter the College of Charleston's grounds thanks to Williams. She plants and maintains more than 150 flower containers around the campus. While Williams is ruthless when it comes to dealing with pests like slugs, her designs are all about harmony and understanding. "My main objective in life is to love people, respect people, and have them love me," she says. Charleston College's campus is heavily landscaped, and Williams is out there five days a week striving to make it look better and better each day. Take a walk through the grounds and admire her handiwork!
Read the full article here: The Cultivator