July 2020
Found 2 blog entries for July 2020.
The Best Plant-Based & Vegan Restaurants in Palm Beach County
by NV Realty Group on Thursday, July 23rd, 2020 at 2:58pm
Many people are opting to eat less meat and dairy products these days as we begin to make more conscious choices about our diets. Whether you are doing it for the animals, your health, or the environment, we can all agree that no one wants to order a wimpy salad and random side dishes when you&rsqu
Read MorePlaces To Donate In Charleston
by NV Realty Group on Tuesday, July 14th, 2020 at 11:47am
The Corona days of summer caused camps to cancel and ruined vacation plans; as a result, many families are opting to stay home and complete home renovation projects. One easy project to complete is operation closet clean-out. Each family member can pitch in and participate by cleaning out his/her
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