While researching their book Palm Beach County During World War II, Debi Murray, Richard Marconi, and Susan Gillis encountered many strange facts and legends about the region’s involvement in the war effort. One intriguing mystery they found was Camp Higgins, a temporary military encampment at the north end of Palm Beach Island that the Department of Defense has no record of.
Another long-held legend about Palm Beach’s WWII history proved to be false after doing research. The book’s authors found no evidence to support the stories that German U-boat officers visited the Palm Beach bar preferred by American servicemen during the war.
The new book highlights how vital Palm Beach actually was to the U.S. war effort. It can be easy to forget that the serene oceans we relax next to these days were filled with enemy activity during WWII, and that The Breakers was leased as a military hospital in 1942. WWII is just one chapter in the rich history of Palm Beach County that should be celebrated.
Read the full article here: What Happened in Palm Beach During WWII?
Link: http://www.palmbeachdailynews.com/news/news/war-in-paradise/nn3Pj/